& Food Pantry

Our Benevolence and Food Pantry ministries are not included in our church’s General Fund Budget but are supported entirely by special donations from the congregation.

The Purpose of the Benevolence Fund is to provide financial assistance to people and families facing a crisis, supporting organizations who are helping broken and hurting individuals and families in need, include meeting basic necessities through the First Free Food Pantry, and responding to disasters or crisis relief efforts here and elsewhere. In supporting organizations, we prioritize those whose values align with ours.

Priority for assistance will be given to those individuals and families who call First Free Church their home church, others who are referred to us by those who are First Free attenders, and those referred by other individuals or agencies.

We are motivated by our desire is to glorify Jesus Christ and to express His heart of generosity and kindness to people in need. Consistent with this goal our desire is to:

  • Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those to whom we minister.

  • Identify and meet their financial and other needs in an appropriate and biblical manner.

  • Provide avenues for spiritual and financial counseling

  • Enable such persons to grow independently apart from outside financial help.

  • Encourage the involvement of recipients in a church where they can experience healthy, life transforming relationships within the context of a healthy, Christ-following community.

To learn more about serving on a Benevolence Fund or Food Pantry team contact Carol Onstad.